Town of Stockport
The Town of Stockport is a small and friendly community located in the Hudson Valley in scenic Columbia County, upstate New York. Our main town governing board presently consists of one supervisor, one councilwoman and three councilmen. Within this website, you will find listings of our departments. We have tried to make this website both informative and simple to use.
The first known Europeans to set foot in Columbia County were Henry Hudson and his crew. On September 17, 1609, Hudson stopped for a day at the mouth of what is now known as Stockport Creek, territory under control of the Mohican Indians. The first European settler in Stockport was Abraham Staats, who built a house at the spot Henry Hudson landed around 1660.
The present Town of Stockport was formed from parts of Stuyvesant, Ghent, and Hudson in 1833. Stockport is the smallest town in Columbia County at 13 square miles in area. It was named after Stockport, England, the hometown of James Wild, a prominent resident at the time.
At one time, this was the hub of industrial activity in Columbia County. The Claverack and Kinderhook Creeks join here to form the Stockport Creek, which flows out to the Hudson River. Waterpower was abundant and the historical evidence suggests that the motivation behind the Town’s formation was to benefit the proprietors of the many woolen mills along these sources of water power. These mills and associated buildings were used well into the 20th century.
Another concentration of mills was found in Columbiaville, one mile inland from the Hudson, on the Stockport Creek. Columbiaville was an incorporated village from 1813 until the formation of the Town in 1833. The Columbia White Sulfur Springs was located in the Hamlet of Stottville, at the southern end of Town. In the mid-1800’s, these sulfur springs were as well-known as those of Saratoga. People came from great distances to drink and bathe in the water. The mills and spas are long gone. Currently, the Town Stockport is a semi-rural town, primarily of residences and farms.
Photos courtesy of Alice Engel 12.10.22

An excellent water power of 30 feet head afforded by the Kinderhook Creek, which was first approved by George Chittenden, a papermaker, was interested in the first papermill in Stuyvesant Falls , in 1801. George built the second mill in Columbia County in 1809 on the West side of the Falls, named after him. Here he manufactured printing, banknote and wrapping paper. On the opposite side of the stream is the mill of J.W.Rossman which stands to this day. It is a small hydropower facility.
Photos contributed by Stockport resident, Alice Engel

Alvord's Dock

Columbiaville Mill 1918 #5

Columbiaville Mill 1918 #1A

Columbiaville Bridge circa turn of 19th Century

Old Columbiaville Bridge c1924, edited 2.12.23

Columbiaville Bridge @ turn of 19th Century
Rossman Station: Crash of electric cars, 1903
According to "The Republican", local newspaper of the day, a terrible crash occurred between two Albany -Southern trolleys in Rossman. Due to the high numbers of tourists at Electric Park this Sunday afternoon, August 3 1903, a second trolley with extra cars was provided. Trolley #1 was held up in Albany by a draw bridge, this trolley was an express trolley from Electric Park to Hudson. Trolley #2 loaded its passengers from Electric Park, left the station before Trolley # 1 had passed through. Trolley #2 continued on its route as a local, stopping at all its designated routes. Trolley #1 having had clearance, traveled down the tracks at a high rate of speed. As Trolley #2 stopped at Rossman to make a shoe repair, Trolley #1 came barreling down the tracks and hit the local Trolley. Luckily there was a baggage car at the end of Trolley #1 which helped save many lives. Unfortunately, 2 Hudson people were killed and many were injured. It was a terrible scene and many people pitched in to help the maimed and injured. Ambulances took them to the local hospital for care.
Lathrop House 1816
St John's Episcopal Church 1907
This picture is of St. John's Episcopal Church, was taken circa 1907. The Church was established in 1845 and was located on Cty Rte 25, just South of the Stockport Firehouse, in the Town of Stockport. Unfortunately, as the membership declined, the Church was sold by the Diocese to Cedar Flow. Dismantling of the Church began 2019. The bell, stained glass windows and other things were sold privately. Today, all that remains is the coach house in the back.